Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

          By accepting the Terms and Conditions set out below you agree to initiate a connection between WiAff Partners and your site/sites, using trackable promotional materials provided by us in return for agreed benefit.

          This is an agreement (“Affiliate Agreement”), which contains the terms and conditions between you (“you” or “Affiliate”) and https://wiaff.com/ (the “Company”, “us”, “we” or “Affiliate Program”).

          By submitting the registration form for the Affiliate Program, and by accessing and using any of our marketing tools or accepting any reward, bonus or commission, whether contained in the Affiliate Agreement or elsewhere as a part of our Affiliate Program, you shall be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the Affiliate Agreement.

          We may periodically make modifications to this Agreement. While we shall do our best to notify you of such changes, it is your duty to consult and check regularly this Agreement regarding any changes. Your continued use of the Affiliate Program shall constitute your consent to the updated Agreement. In case of any changes implemented into the Affiliate Agreement the Company is obliged to notify Partners via e-mail.

          If you have any questions or concerns about these Affiliate Terms or the Program Terms and Conditions or the Affiliate Program itself, please email us at [email protected]

2. Policies & Confidentiality

              During your participation in our Affiliate Program, we may from time to time disclose to you or you might otherwise obtain certain information which is either marked or by its nature is confidential and proprietary to us, namely information relating to our business, operations, underlying technology and/or the Affiliate Program (including, for example, the Commissions earned by you under the Affiliate Program).

         You agree to keep such information in strict confidence and avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of any such information by third persons or outside parties unless you have our prior written consent. You also agree that you shall use the confidential information only for the purposes of the Affiliate Agreement. Your obligations in regards to this clause survive the termination of this Agreement.

           In addition, you must not issue any press release or similar communication to the public with respect to your participation in the Affiliate Program without the prior written consent of the Company (with approval of the exact content to also be approved by the Company).

3. Affiliate Terms

In this Agreement the following terms shall bear the respective meanings:

  • Affiliate – means you, the person or entity, who applies to participate in the Affiliate Program.
  • Affiliate Agreement – means:
    – all the terms and conditions set out in this document,
    – the terms and conditions of the Commission Structures applicable to the different products and brands,
    – any other rules or guidelines of the Company and/or Websites made known to the Affiliate from time to time.
  • Affiliate Account – means the account of the Affiliate set up after an Affiliate Application is made by the Affiliate to take part in the Affiliate Program and approved by the Company.
  • Affiliate Application – means the application made by the Affiliate to participate in the Affiliate Program. It can be found on the Website through the following link https://go.wiaff.com/login/
  • Affiliate Fee – is the amount payable to the Affiliate based on the results and performance of their Customers according to the selected Remuneration Plan based solely and exclusively on the information and measurement of affiliate program.
  • Affiliate Wallet – means an online wallet in the name of the Affiliate into which the Company pays the commission and any other payments due to the Affiliate, which the Affiliate can withdraw in accordance with the Affiliate Agreement.
  • Affiliate Links – means internet hyperlinks used by the Affiliate to link from the Affiliate Website(s) or any other any third-party website to the Company Websites.
  • Affiliate Program – means collaboration between the Company and the Affiliate whereby the Affiliate promotes the Company websites and creates Affiliate Links from the Affiliate Website(s) to the Company websites. For such services the Affiliate is paid a commission depending on the traffic generated to the Company websites, subject to terms within this Affiliate Agreement and to the applicable product-specific Commission Structure.
  • Affiliate Website – means any website which is maintained, operated or otherwise controlled by the Affiliate.
  • Company – shall mean https://wiaff.com/ The Сompany provides marketing services to the brands it controls.
  • Clean Net Revenue – means the Net Gaming Revenue less: commission fee for payment systems, royalty fee, the share of jackpots that your players had and administration fee. Administration fees refers any other taxes. The currently charged administration fee is 0%.
  • Company Websites – means the website https://wikiluck.com/ or other such websites (including mirror websites) as may be added to this Affiliate Program from time to time.
  • Commission – means the percentage of the Clean Net Revenue (Revenue Share payment plan), or, where applicable, a fixed amount for a New Customer (CPA payment plan) as set out in the Commission Structures.
  • Commission Structures – means any specific payment plan expressly agreed between the Company and the Affiliate.
  • Confidential Information – means any information of commercial or essential value relating to the Company such as, but not limited to, financial reports, trade secrets, know-how, prices and custom quotes, business information, products, strategies, databases, technology, information about New Customers, other customers and users of the Company Websites, marketing plans and manners of operation.
  • Net Gaming Revenue or NGR – means all monies received by the Company from New Customers as placed bets, less (a) winnings returned to New Customers, (b) issued bonuses, (c) net balance corrections, (d) fraud costs and chargebacks. For the avoidance of doubt, all Net Gaming Revenue amounts mentioned above are only related to New Customers referred to the Company Websites by the Affiliate Website(s).
  • New Customer – means a new, first-time customer of the Company who made a first deposit amounting to at least the applicable minimum deposit at the Company Websites’ player account, in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions of the Company Websites. This excludes the Affiliate, its employees, relatives and friends.
  • Intellectual Property Rights – means any copyrights, domain names, brands, business names, trademarks, service marks, and registrations of the aforesaid and/or any other similar rights of this nature.
  • Parties – means the Affiliate and the Company (each a “Party”).
  • Personal Data – means any information relating to any person, whether individual or legal that is or may be identified, directly or indirectly.

4. Rights and obligations

   4.1. Joining the Affiliate Program

          To become an affiliate within the WiAff Affiliate program you shall have to accept these terms and conditions by ticking the respective box while submitting the Affiliate Application. The Affiliate Application shall form an integral part of the Affiliate Agreement.

          Additionally, by accepting the terms of the Affiliate Program you agree to receive email newsletters, SMS messages or calls from the Affiliate Program representatives.

          You can only participate in the Affiliate Program if you are of legal age determined by any applicable laws in your jurisdiction. In any event and under any circumstances, you cannot participate in our Affiliate Program if you are under the age of 18.

          You shall provide any documentation required by the Company to verify the Affiliate Application and to verify the Affiliate Account information at any time during the term of the Affiliate Agreement. The documents requested by the Company may include but are not limited to: bank statements, individual or corporate identity papers and proof of address.

          It is your sole obligation to ensure that any information you provide us with when registering with the Affiliate Program is correct, kept up-to-date at all times and does not mislead or misrepresent intentionally.

          The Company determines in its sole discretion whether or not to accept an Affiliate Application and our decision is final and not subject to any right of appeal. We shall notify you by email as to whether or not your Affiliate Application has been successful.

        By participating in the Affiliate Program, the Affiliate agrees that the terms and conditions of the Affiliate Program are subject to change without prior notice to the Affiliate.

                    4.2. Affiliate login details

          The Affiliate is fully responsible for the safety of personal confidential data for entering the WiAff Affiliate Program system (login and password). The Affiliate Program is not responsible for the loss of personal confidential data by the Affiliate.

          Any unauthorised use of your Affiliate Account resulting from your failure to adequately safeguard your login information shall be your sole responsibility, and you remain solely responsible and liable for all such activity occurring under your Affiliate Account user ID and password (whether such activity was undertaken by you or not). It is your obligation to inform the Company immediately if you suspect that your Affiliate account is being illegally misused by a third party or a third party has access to your user ID or password.

                    4.3. Affiliate Program participation

          The Affiliate Program is intended for your direct participation. Opening an Affiliate Account for a third party, brokering or transferring an Affiliate Account is not accepted. An Account cannot be transferred to another beneficial owner, unless approved in writing by the Company. Neither shall you open more than one Affiliate Account without our prior written consent.

          WiAff Affiliate program prohibits the use of 2 or more affiliate accounts.

      You agree to make your best effort to actively advertise, market and promote the Company Websites in accordance with the Affiliate Agreement and the Company’s instructions from time to time, by agreeing to participate in the Affiliate Program. You shall ensure that all activities taken by you under the Affiliate Agreement shall be in the Company’s best interest and shall in no way harm the Company’s reputation or goodwill.

          You may link to the Company Websites using the Affiliate Links or other such materials that we may approve from time to time. You may not advertise the Websites in any way not approved in advance by the Company in writing.

                    4.4. Affiliate Website

       You shall be solely responsible for the operation, development and content of your Website, including for ensuring that materials that appear on the Affiliate Website shall not contain any defamatory, libellous, discriminatory or otherwise unsuitable content (including, but not limited to, violent, obscene, derogatory or pornographic materials or content which would be unlawful in target country). You shall at all times ensure that the Affiliate Website is compliant with all applicable laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and functions as a professional website.

          You shall not make any claims, representations or warranties in connection with the Company on the Affiliate Website in such a way so that it may cause confusion with the Company Websites, or so that it may give the impression that it is owned or operated by the Company.

                    4.5. Valid traffic and good faith

          You shall not at any time by yourself, nor shall you allow, assist or encourage others to do the following:
-cause any damage to our reputation, or cast us in an unfavorable light in front of any person;

-perform any act that disparages us or any of the Company’s Websites or that otherwise may result in the damage to the Company’s reputation.

          You shall not generate traffic by using branded keys for placement of contextual advertising. It is prohibited to send branded traffic to the Company Websites. You hereby recognise that any New Customer recruited by using branded keys for placement of contextual advertising does not count as a valid New Customer under the Affiliate Agreement, and thereby any Commission in relation to such New Customers can be frozen or considered to be unpayable upon the Company’s decision.

          You will not generate traffic to Company Websites by registering as a New Customer whether directly or indirectly (for example by using associates, family members or other third parties). Such behavior shall be deemed as fraud.

          You will also not attempt to benefit from traffic not generated in good faith. If you have any reasonable suspicion that any New Customer referred by you is in any way associated to bonus abuse, money laundering, fraud, or other abuse of remote gaming websites, you will immediately notify us of this.

       You hereby recognize that any New Customer found to be a bonus abuser, money launderer or fraudster or who assists in any form of affiliate fraud (whether detected by you or later discovered by us) does not count as a valid New Customer under the Affiliate Agreement, and thereby no Commission shall be payable in relation to such New Customers.

                    4.6. Affiliate Links

          The Affiliate Links shall be displayed at least as prominently as any other sales link on the Affiliate Website.

          You shall only use Affiliate Links provided by the Company within the scope of the Affiliate Program. Cloaking, hiding, or otherwise obscuring your Affiliate Links (for example hiding the source of the traffic sent to the Company Websites) is also prohibited.

                    4.7. Unsuitable websites

     You shall not use any Affiliate Links or otherwise place any digital advertisements whatsoever featuring our Intellectual Property on any unsuitable websites (whether owned by a third party or otherwise).

           Unsuitable websites include, but are not limited to, websites that are aimed at children, display illegal pornography or other illegal sexual acts, promote violence, promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age, promote illegal activities or in any way violate the intellectual property rights of any third party or of the Company, or breach any relevant advertising regulations or codes of practice in any territory where such Affiliate Links or digital advertisements may be featured.

                    4.8. Email and SMS marketing

          You must first obtain our permission to send any emails or SMS communications if sending to individuals which:

-include any Intellectual Property Rights of the Company;

-otherwise intend to promote the Company Websites.

          If such permission is granted by the Company, you must then ensure you have each and every recipient’s explicit consent to receive marketing communications in the form of communication to be sent (i.e. by SMS or email) and that such individuals have not opted out of receiving such communication. You must also make it clear to the recipient that all marketing communications are sent from you and not from our Company.

                    4.9. Use of Intellectual Property Rights of the Company

          Any use of Intellectual Property Rights of the Company must be in accordance with any brand guidelines issued to you from time to time and are always subject to the approval required in clause below.

          You shall not register or attempt to register any logo, trade name, design, domain name, as well as search terms or other identifiers for use in any search engine, portal, app store, sponsored advertising service or other referral service which are identical or confusingly similar to any or otherwise include the Company’s trademarks.

          You shall only use advertising layout or creative (including banners, images, logos) incorporating our Intellectual Property Rights provided to you by the Company or (if advertising layouts created by you) in advance approved in writing by the Company. You shall not alter the appearance of any advertising that has been provided to you or for which approval was granted, unless we give you our prior written authorisation otherwise.

          It is your responsibility to seek approval from the Company in time for launch of any advertising campaign or creative, to ensure you have written approval from the Company in relation to advertising, and to be able to evidence such approval upon request.

          You accept sole responsibility for the tools you use to attract players and for determining whether your marketing activities are legal under any laws or regulatory requirements that apply to you.

          You must also ensure that your activity complies with the terms of the Affiliate Program Agreement.

                    4.10. Loyalty Programs

          You shall not offer any cash-back / value-back or similar programs, other than such programs as are offered on the Company Websites.

                    4.11. Responsible Gaming

          The Company has ongoing commitment to responsible gaming and prevention of gambling addiction. You agree to actively cooperate with the Company to convey a responsible gaming message. Specifically, you shall not use any material or in any way target persons who are under 18 or the legal gambling age in their jurisdiction.

                    4.12. Illegal activity

          You shall not target any territory or jurisdictions where gambling is illegal. You shall act within the relevant and / or applicable law at all times and you shall not perform any act which is illegal in relation to the Affiliate Program or otherwise.

                    4.13. Data Protection and Cookies

          Your activities shall at all times be conducted in a professional and lawful manner and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any existing or new data protection acts, regulations or law applicable to your territory. This includes all applicable legislation and/or regulations relating to the use of ‘cookies’.

                    4.14. Cost and expense

          You accept sole responsibility for all risk, costs and expenses incurred by you in meeting your obligations under the Affiliate Agreement.

                    4.15. Company monitoring of Affiliate activity

          The Company reserves the right to monitor the Affiliate activity. If required you shall immediately give the Company all assistance and provide us with all information as is requested by the Company to monitor your activity under the Affiliate Program.

                    4.16. Commissions paid incorrectly

          All Commissions received based on New Customers referred to the Company in breach of the Affiliate Agreement or relating to fraudulent or falsified transactions, must be immediately restored upon the

5. Affiliate rights

                    5.1. Right to direct New Customers

     We grant you the non-exclusive, non-assignable, revocable right, to direct New Customers to the Company Websites, pursuant to the terms of the Affiliate Agreement. You shall have no claim to Commission or other compensation on business secured by persons or entities other than you.

                    5.2. License to use Intellectual Property Rights

          We grant to you a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license, for the term of this Agreement, to use the Intellectual Property Rights of the Company, which we may from time to time approve solely in connection with the display of the promotional materials on the Affiliate Website or in other such locations as may have been expressly approved (in writing) by the Company. This license cannot be sub-licensed, assigned or otherwise transferred by you.

                    5.3. Players’ Personal Data

        Users sent to the Affiliate Program from Affiliates are considered players of the Company. After the transfer of these data to the Company, the Affiliate waives all ownership of the data of these players. The Affiliate undertakes subsequently neither to contact these players and nor to influence them in any way in their personal interests. Before these players pass the test according to the criteria of recruited customers, they shall have an intermediate status of the Company Players.

              For the purpose of the services delivered under this Agreement, it is understood that the Affiliate shall not have access to any Personal Data of Company’s customers. WiAff Affiliate Program does not provide Affiliates with confidential information and statistics of recruited players, except for those which the Affiliate can independently see in the Affiliate Program personal account.

6. The terms of settlements with Partners

          6.1. The balance and reports of the Affiliate Program operate in a single currency – the calculation of the EUR.

          6.2. The reporting period set by the WiAff Affiliate Program is one calendar month (usually 31 days): from the 1st to the 30th(31st) day of the month inclusive.

          6.3. Payments are made in the first 20 days after the close of the reporting period, if there is a positive balance on the partner’s account.

          6.4. Payment details are changed at least 5 business days prior to the end of the current reporting period and the personal manager must be notified about this.

            6.5. To make a payment, you must correctly fill in your billing information in the Finance section of the personal account of the Partner Program.

        6.6. The term of the delay in the accrual of payments (Hold) is determined by the administration of the Affiliate program at its discretion.

      6.7. At this stage, the WiAff Partners does not provide for early payment of partnership remuneration. The minimum possible payment from the affiliate account is €10.

          6.8. A negative balance is NOT transferred to the next month if the WiAff Partners is requesting the possibility to suspend the accrual of commission on users with negative income, in the case of a positive decision by the Administration of the Partner program.

          6.9. If money on the Partner’s balance is more than 3 months and is not withdrawn, account payments are blocked and funds are written off. After another 3 months, such an account is removed from the Affiliate Program. If the Partner’s account has been blocked, then after 30 days from the moment of blocking, the balance in the account is reset to zero.

          6.10. The WiAff Partners does not make payments if the webmaster has not brought at least 5 players for the entire time. If the anti-fraud department has a suspicion about the traffic attracted by the webmaster, the affiliate program has the right to raise the qualifications of up to 30 active players attracted for the entire time to receive a payment.

7. Dispute Resolution Procedure

                  7.1. The procedure for handling disputes:

Affiliate program does not accept for consideration and does not consider controversial treatment for lost profits.

          Affiliate program does not compensate for moral damage.

          All reports should be sent to [email protected]

          The maximum time period for consideration of complaints sent by the Partner is 50 business days.

          If a dispute arises that is not spelled out in this Agreement, the Company reserves the right to make a decision in its sole discretion.

                    7.2. Consideration of appeals of Partners and resolution of controversial issues:

          All parties are trying to resolve disputes by negotiation and correspondence. Partner’s applications are accepted by the Partner program for consideration only in written form and no later than three calendar days from the date of the dispute.

          All appeals of the Partner are considered official and are treated as appeals in writing / form, via e-mail to the relevant services of the Partner Program. Written appeals made with the help of programs of online communicators: Telegrams and other instant messengers are not considered.

          Affiliate’s request must contain:

-Full name;

-Email address;

-Account number;

-Date and time of the dispute;

-The essence of the appeal.

          Affiliate program has the right to refuse to consider the application in the following cases:

-if appeals do not meet the conditions listed in this clause of the Agreement;

-if appeals contain obscene language and / or insults to the Partner Program or its employees;

-if appeals contain threats to the Partner Program or its employees;

-if the argument of the Partner is the threat of blackening the image of the Partner program in social networks and other resources.

          The deadline for consideration of the Partner program by the Partner’s claim is no more than twenty working days from the moment all necessary and sufficient data is received from the Partner related to this claim and necessary for its resolution.

          In case of any disagreement regarding the operations or the status of the Partner’s account, the parties review the protocols of the Partner’s operations based on the Partner’s data.

          In the event of a Partner’s violation of any of the points listed above, the Partner Program reserves the right to refuse to cooperate with the Partner.

8. In witness whereof

          By having read the terms and conditions, and registering in the affiliate sign-up form you agree to all the terms and conditions contained herein.